Wood Cleaner, Floor Paint and Other Appealing Additions to a Modern Interior

Having a modern home interior isn’t just about embracing current design trends, but ensuring that your home’s interior design remains timeless and tasteful for years to come. Items such as furniture and decor can be changed to reflect the times, but for things such as flooring, built-in cupboards and countertops this can be more tricky to change later down the line.

This is why many people choose to opt for wooden flooring in their homes, since it is a classic option that complements many interior design styles, along with a plethora of other benefits. But, in what ways can you utilise the use of wooden flooring to maintain a modern interior in your home? Many people overlook the floor as an integral feature to be included in their design decisions, yet this should not be the case considering that the floor is less easily replaceable than furniture and decor.

Read on below as we give you our top tips on how to factor your wooden floor into your interior design considerations. Afterall, it could make all the difference.

Using Timber Cleaner

Maintaining your wood flooring is one of the easiest ways to upkeep the modernity of your home. This is only one of the reasons why regularly cleaning your wooden floors with a specific timber cleaner is an excellent practice to get into the habit of doing.

Firstly, regularly cleaning your wood flooring with wood-targeted products, such as Treatex Wood Cleaners, allows the integrity of your floor’s surface to last longer. By maintaining the quality of your floors, they will look newer for a longer period of time and appear aged at a slower rate than if they are left untreated. As a result, they will look as fresh and up-to-date as the rest of your interior.

In addition to this, regular cleaning and maintenance increases the visual appeal of your floors. Keeping your floors looking attractive and appealing in turn compliments the other conscious design choices you make in your home. In contrast, old, damaged or unkept floors may draw attention away from these and decrease the perceived modernity of your home.

Adding a New Lick of Paint or Finishing with Wax Oil

Speaking of increasing the visual appeal of your floors, finishing products can make all the difference. For example, using a wax oil can bring life back into dull, lack-lustre wooden floors, leaving them with a hard-wearing, attractive finish. Wax oils can be chosen with varying degrees of sheen, from matte to glossy, and you can also get them available tinted with natural pigments in order to neutralise any warmth in lighter shades of timber, so that they stay as natural looking as possible.

As well as applying a cat of oil to the whole area of your floor, wax polish is also great for bringing life back into any small spots that may need it, for example an area that is frequently walked over or the part underneath a chair that may show small scratches. Targeting small spots as and when is needed over time makes looking after the whole floor more manageable.

Another way of making your floor appear more vibrant and noticeable to guests is by giving it a fresh layer of paint. By this, we don’t mean painting your floors a bold colour that looks patchy and out of place, rather we mean painting it with special wood paint, such as Treatex Colour Tones. Treatex Colour Tones come in a range of natural wood colours, so you can match your surfaces cohesively and enhance the tones of your flooring without losing its original beauty.

Treatex Colour Tones work by penetrating deep into the timber, which is naturally porous, in order to give an effortlessly natural finish that allows the unique grains and textures to boast. This gives your floors their own design individuality that inherently comes with wooden features, which you would be able to factor into other design choices, such as additional matching wooden accent pieces and complementary colour schemes.

Being Selective with Your Furniture


It is important that you are selective with the furniture you decide to put on wooden flooring. Too much weight on a wooden floor can cause dents, marks and blemishes. This is especially the case for seats such as dining chairs, which can cause scratches when repeatedly pulled out from under a table. An easy fix for this is to use pads or glides to stick to the feet of your furniture pieces, as these will act as a barrier between the furniture and your floors, subsequently allowing them to last longer without showing signs of wear.

It is important that these are still monitored, since they can wear over time, so it is a good idea to keep some spares on hand and replace them as an when is needed - more often for things such as chairs that will likely be used frequently, whilst tables or cabinets could last longer before their pads would need to be replaced.

Another great tip for protecting your floors is to incorporate the use of rugs into your rooms. These are a great way to make purposeful design choices that aid in the modern aesthetic of your home whilst protecting your floors. By placing them underneath coffee tables, sofas or beds, you are creating a protective layer between these and the floor, as well as offering visual appeal and additional comfort for your feet - especially in the winter when wooden flooring can be cold underfoot.

Furthermore, rugs are easily interchangeable, so they can be replaced as and when needed in order to keep up with personal taste, modern appeal or simply after natural wear and tear.


Choosing your furniture with your flooring in mind is important when trying to achieve a modern home interior. It is much easier to replace furniture than flooring, but furniture is still expensive, which is why it’s best to be conscious about your design choices and how well they fit in with your flooring, rather than leaving this as an afterthought.

There are a number of considerations that could be made when doing this. The first is to match any wooden furniture with the colour of your wooden floor. For example, if you have a table, chairs, coffee table, television cabinet, bookcase etc., matching the type or colour of wood that these are with that of your flooring will create a cohesive sense of harmony that can be accented with other elements, rather than looking too busy and clashing.

As well as matching the colours of any wooden furnishings, another effective tip is to find furniture, decor and/or accessories with colours that contrast well with the flooring. Just because some colours may contrast with wood does not mean that they aren’t complimentary, instead the wood actually allows the colours to pop more so that you can achieve the overall theme that you are aiming for in your design choices.

Similar to contrasting colours, contrasting textures can also have the same effect. For a sophisticated aesthetic, the smoothness and lustre of leather works well against the rustic appearance of wood, whilst soft furnishings give a much gentler look that is complemented by an additional touch of texture (such as a faux fur rug, or bouclé arm chair or cushions).

Treatex Wooden Floor Care

Whether you have old, new or soon-to-be-installed wooden floors, it is important that you look after them properly. At Treatex, we have all the products you need to properly maintain your interior wooden flooring, including cleaning spray, floor care, preparation cleaner, wax and polish.

We also have a number of paints that can be used on both interior and exterior wooden furnishings, including our Colour Tones that achieve a great natural finish to wooden flooring, our Classic Colour Collection that are perfect for painting interior furnishings or outside fencing a sophisticated colour and our Eco Colours that are ideal for making children’s wooden furniture bright and fun.

For more information about our products or for any tips on maintaining your interior and exterior wood, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.
