Wood Surface Cleaner And Other Measures To Restore Flooring

Wood is, undoubtedly, one of the most sought-after and aesthetic materials in construction work. In fact, timber has long been one of our most used materials and there's no guessing why really. The natural material is both easy to use and fairly widespread around the world making it simple to get hold of and build with. The only slight issue with timber is it does decay slightly faster than some of the man-made modern options. In fact, this is why many people of late have started to use other materials such as steel. So, how can we still use timber effectively?

Essentially to use timber effectively we must protect the fibres of the wood. The reason why we don’t see too many ancient wooden structures is that they have a natural tendency to break down over time and rot away. Of course, this does make it one of the most environmentally friendly modern building materials but it does mean it can become weak over time. So, to combat this many people have tried different methods to keep the wood in pristine condition and now we have some incredibly advanced options. So, what are these options and why are they so great? Keep reading to find out!

Why wood?

As we have already mentioned timber is one of the most ancient building materials. In fact, we can trace the use of wood back to prehistoric times when humans were simple hunter-gatherers. We first used timber to build the very first examples of tools and small shelters and these were the building blocks for modern civilization. From there we expanded our knowledge of the material and nowadays we can build a variety of impressive structures using only timber framing technology. So, why is wood so useful and how have we got to a point where timber is one of the most used materials on the planet?

Essentially wood is so popular because it is so easy to manipulate. Put it this way, steel frames are, of course, extremely strong and they will last several lifetimes. Though moulding, cutting, and fixing these steel beams is incredibly challenging and takes far more energy than cutting wood. Therefore with very minimal energy, we can build long-lasting structures that not only stay standing for generations but also look good while doing it. It's no wonder then really that wood has become one of the most reliable and popular materials on the planet. After all, this material is great value for money and easy to use.

What is wood flooring?

As the name suggests wood flooring is flooring that is made up entirely of timber. We are sure that our readers already knew that one but how is wood flooring made and why is it such a great option? Keep reading this blog to find out more!

Wood flooring is as you might expect one of the most intricate areas of woodwork. Many of the flooring joints which have been developed over time take a huge amount of skill and an even greater amount of time to create, develop and fit. These joints make wooden flooring incredibly strong and are one the main reasons why so many people have this option in their homes every year. Essentially most wooden flooring uses panels of wood which are fixed to the hard surface below. These panels then interlock with each other forming the strong joints which we just mentioned.

As with many building processes that have been developed over time there are many different styles and many different techniques involved with designing, building and fitting wooden flooring. Of course, the finished product and what type of flooring you opt for is up to you but there is certainly no shortage of choice. Some may choose the more traditional long wooden panels while others may go for square cubes or diamond-shaped panels. Either way, when built with care and time wooden flooring can be one of the most beautiful features in a home or building.

Why choose real wood

Over the past few years as technology has increased, there have been a number of new notable inventions within the construction sector. As with many things, there have been the inevitable few inventions that seem to slip away after a brief pocket in the spotlight. However, some of these inventions have stuck around for the long haul. In fact, many of the building inventions that first appeared in the 20th century were created mainly to reduce the cost of building so we could effectively deal with the post-war housing crisis. During this time many wood alternatives hit the market.

As you might expect many of these alternatives did in fact look just like wood and many of the floors which used this material benefited greatly in the short term from faster building times right through to cheaper final costs. However, alternatives to real wood have one specific flaw. They’re no way near as strong. Nothing even comes close when we talk about direct comparisons to the strength of wooden floors which is, of course, why this method of flooring is still one of the most popular methods today. So, you should certainly choose real wood if you want that classic wooden look in your home.

The characteristics of wooden flooring

Aside from the obvious classical look, there are many other notable characteristics of wooden flooring that make it stand out amongst the crowd. This is of course why the material has become so popular and why many thousands of homes up and down the country have a real wooden floor fitted every year. As we have discussed there are the usual weaknesses when it comes to timber flooring though there is no question that it has some of the most reliable and highly sought-after characteristics in the construction market. So, what are these characteristics and why are they so useful for flooring?

As you might expect one of the first characteristics of modern wood for flooring is just how strong this wood is. Much of the wooden sheets can withstand a huge amount of pressure making them ideal for rooms or corridors that get plenty of use. Another fantastic characteristic is the different colours and shades which you get with natural wood which can make your room stand out. Certainly, these two features have helped to make wood one of the best materials for making flooring. So, how do you protect this wooden flooring? Keep reading to find out more!

Wood surface cleaner

Like many natural elements wooden flooring does need a bit of maintenance from time to time which is why there are a few cleaning options available. Wood surface cleaner is one of the most common methods for this and is a great option if you want to keep your floor looking ship shape. This cleaner will remove all of the dirt and unwanted debris which floors pick up over time and prep it for the years to come. Wood surface cleaner will vastly improve the longevity of your flooring and help it to look pristine for years to come.


Varnishing is another common way to look after your wood and will create a unique but highly desirable look. Essentially varnish creates a protective layer over the wooden flooring all while giving the material a shine. This will create an air of class in the rooms where you have wooden flooring and certainly help it to last longer in the future. What’s more, you can easily apply varnish yourself which makes it an efficient cost-effective option. So, this is certainly something to consider if you need to add some protection to your wooden flooring.

Repairs and maintenance

Sometimes accidents happen and your flooring may need some small repairs. In this case, you should hire a team of professionals to oversee and complete your wooden flooring repairs as wood is a fairly challenging material to work with at times which is why carpenters train for years to master their trade.

If you’re after some quality wood surface cleaner or would like to learn more about the options available to you for looking after your wooden flooring then make sure you contact us today! Our staff are extremely knowledgeable and would love to talk you through your options.
