How Natural Wood Preservers Keep Your Home & Garden Safe

When it comes to maintaining the beauty of your garden, keeping your wood protected is essential. But, you should be careful to not just use any old product. There are a range of different wood preservatives and treatments out there, but some traditional treatments can cause harm to your beautiful garden. Our article will explore what wood preservatives are, how they work, and what risks are associated with traditional wood preservers. To learn more about how you can keep your garden looking its best, while also keeping it safe, keep on reading our blog.

Keeping Your Wood Protected

Wood is a beautiful addition to any garden, bringing in a warm and rustic appearance to any garden space. But, keeping your wood protected can be a concern. Wood that is in an outdoor space can deteriorate if not taken care of properly. Some of the factors that can potentially damage your wood include:

●     Weathering - Harsh weather conditions, such as heavy rain, sun and cold temperatures can dramatically impact the health o f your wood. Damage from UV rays, as well as moisture and wind can all take a toll on your wood. It may look aged and start to crack or warp over time because of weathering damage.

●     Pests - Insects such as beetles and termites can damage your wood by burrowing into it and creating holes. This can impact the structural integrity of your wood, causing it to break, crack and become damaged.

●     Fungi & Mould - Fungi and mould are another threat to your wood, which can compromise it. Damp wood that is improperly treated can quickly grow mould, which thrives in damp conditions. This will impact the strength and appearance of our wood, making it fragile and prone to more damage.

●     Moisture - Without proper treatment, your wood can retain moisture, which will lead to all sorts of problems. Fungi and mould thrive in damp conditions, and moisture in general can lead to the breakdown of your wood over time.

●     Wear & Tear - It’s no secret that wear and tear can impact your wood over time, which is why a strong and durable treatment is essential. Preservatives help your wood to withstand the elements, as well as wear and tear.

The Dangers Of Traditional Wood Preservers

Wood preservatives, also known as wood protectors, are a type of wood treatment that protects and maintains our wood, keeping it durable and long-lasting. There are many wood preservatives available on the market, including traditional and natural treatments.

Traditional wood preservative treatments pose a range of risks to your garden and health. Because these treatments are often full of harsh chemicals and chemical preservatives, they can pose health risks to you, wildlife and pets. Read below to understand more.

Health Risks

Chemical wood preservatives are made with many substances, which are designed to help the wood stay protected from rot, decay and pests. However, these chemicals can pose health risks to you and the surrounding wildlife in your garden.

Certain wood preservatives come with chemicals that are carcinogenic, toxic or bad for air quality. These chemicals can also cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. If you, your child, pet or other wildlife comes into contact with certain chemicals, they could react badly or become irritated by the preservatives. Direct contact with these chemicals over time can become dangerous and poorly impact your health.

Environmental Impact

Not only do these chemicals have the potential to impact you or others, but they also have a harmful impact on surrounding environments. The chemicals in wood preservative treatments can impact soil, water and other wildlife in your garden.

Chemicals from your wood treatment can seep into surrounding soil, leading to soil contamination. Over time, this can dramatically impact the growth and health of your plants & grass. Rainwater can also cause chemicals in your wood to spread to grass and other areas of your garden. Water runoff that has been contaminated can disrupt your plants, animals and other life in your garden, damaging it over time.

Natural Wood Preservers

Natural wood preservers are treatments made with eco-friendly materials, such as plant based oils, preservatives, waxes and natural resins. These treatments are free from harmful chemicals, making them more appropriate for your garden. They work by deeply penetrating your wood, and providing protection from pests, decay, moisture and UV rays.

Benefits Of Using Natural Wood Preservers

Natural wood preservatives are a great alternative to traditional wood protective treatments. They differ in ingredients, meaning natural wood protectors have far less, or no chemical ingredients. Natural wood preservatives offer many benefits for both your wood and your garden. Read below to find out more.

Eco Friendly

Natural preservers are made from sustainable ingredients, such as plant oils and waxes. Because these treatments are made from biodegradable, plant based materials, they are much safer and are eco-friendly. Compared to chemical preservatives, natural treatments are much more eco-friendly because they have less, or no, chemical components. Natural treatments are safer for your plants, grass and soil, preventing them from being contaminated by chemicals.

Safe For Children & Pets

Natural wood preservatives are not only safer for the environment, but they are much safer for pets and children, or anyone else who comes into your garden. Natural wood preservatives have no toxic or harmful substances, meaning they are safe for homes with children and pets. Kids and pets that come into contact with naturally treated wood are less at risk of allergic reactions, irritants or other health problems. Additionally, your pets or children are not at risk from inhaling any chemicals from the wood treatment either, protecting them from internal health problems too.

Deep Wood Protection

Wood, also known as timber, is a beautiful addition to any garden. Whether you have a natural wood decking, trellis, shed, bench or other accessories, keeping them in good condition can help you maintain the beauty of your garden. Wood brings a warm, natural and atmospheric feel to any space, and protecting your wood is essential.

Natural wood preservatives, due to their plant based nature, are ideal for treating your outdoor wood. It deeply penetrates the wood, giving a strong level of protection against UV rays, rot, decay and harsh weather conditions. Compared to chemical preservatives, natural treatments can enhance the appearance of your wood and keep it healthy.

Easy & Safe Application

Chemical preservatives may require more protective equipment when you apply the treatment, due to the harsh chemical ingredients. This can be a risk factor for homes with children and pets, who should avoid touching these treatments, especially when wet or freshly applied. Natural treatments, on the other hand, are much safer and simpler to apply, requiring less protective gear and specialist equipment. For DIY projects, natural treatments are much easier to apply and safer overall.

Compatible With Various Types Of Wood

Unlike chemical preservatives, natural wood treatments are compatible with various types of wood. Because they are made from plant based substances, they are healthier, and more compatible with various types of wood. They provide excellent protection for wood against rot, decay and harsh weather conditions.


Natural wood treatments are also more sustainable than chemical treatments. Because they are made from natural materials and plant based ingredients, they are made from natural and sustainable sources. Not only is this healthy for our garden, but these products are more sustainable overall.

Treatex: Trusted Wood Enhancement Products

Traditional wood preserves can pose serious risks in your garden, impacting your health, as well as the well-being of your garden. By choosing natural preservative treatments, you can rest assured that your garden is a safe environment. Here at Treatex, we offer a wide range of natural wood preservers to help you maintain your garden and keep it safe.

You can browse our range of natural wood preservatives online today, as well as many of our other quality wood treatments. Whether you're searching for environmentally friendly paint, wood oils, odourless paint or something else, we are here to help. Get in touch with our team today for any further enquiries.
