How to Seal and Finish Your Wood Carvings

Wooden art pieces are wonderfully rewarding projects that you can sell, gift or just enjoy for yourself. If you have been carving your first wooden art piece or you’ve done a few but you’re not quite sure how to finish them, this blog is here to help. We’ll discuss the many sealants and finishes you can use to complete your wood carvings. A few things will affect what finish you use such as where the wood carving will be kept and what kind of wood you have used.

Keep reading to learn more.

Types of wood finishes

There are several types of wood finishes to consider, these include:

-       Oil finishes

-       Water-based finishes

-       Wax finishes

-       Shellac finishes

-       Lacquer finishes

Oil finishes

Oil finishes are a great choice if your wood carving will be stored outdoors or indoors as it gives great protection against the elements. It is also easy to apply and helps enhance the natural colour of the wood. You could opt for tung oil, linseed oil or danish oil. Tung oil is particularly good for carved kitchen utensils as it is food-safe. Linseed oil is also food-safe but not when it is boiled and provides a glossy finish. Choose a Treatex oil for your next project such as the Treatex Hardwax Oil Ultra which combines linseed, sunflower and jojoba oils.

Water-based finishes

Water-based finishes are a great eco-friendly alternative to oil-based finishes. They are easy to apply, dry quickly, and emit fewer fumes. You can use these finishes for outdoor projects as they offer protection against water and other elements. Some types of water-based finishes include acrylic, polyurethane and varnish. Acrylic finishes provide a clear finish and are resistant to yellowing whereas polyurethane finishes are durable and provide excellent protection against scratches and stains

Wax finishes

Wax finishes are a great option for many types of wood carvings as they provide a natural-looking finish and are easy to apply. They also offer protection against water and other elements. Some wax finishes you can choose include beeswax, carnauba wax, and paraffin wax.

The Treatex Wood Wax and Polish uses beeswax and carnauba wax to restore, protect and preserve treated and untreated interior timbers.

Shellac finishes

Shellac is a natural resin obtained from the lac beetle that provides protection against water and other elements. They are easy to apply and food-safe, giving you a natural glossy look to wood carvings. However, they are not waterproof but water resistant and best used for indoor pieces. You can choose between dewaxed shellac, blonde shellac and garnet shellac.

Are you looking for Treatex oils to complete your wood carving projects? Treatex wood wax and polish or Treatex Hardwax Oil Ultra are both great choices, visit our website to learn more.
