A Complete Guide To Using Exterior Oil For Your Wood

Spending hours putting together your new garden shed or putting up fence panels around the perimeter of your home can be very rewarding until you realise you still need to apply wood finish products to protect it against the elements. While it can seem like an arduous task, wood finishes are extremely important, particularly for exterior wood items. So even though you’ve spent days on a project, it’s still not complete until you’ve sealed it in with exterior oil for wood such as Treatex Exterior Oils.

We’ve put together this guide to help you understand how to use exterior oils on your outdoor wood and why it's so important. Keep reading to learn more.

Why do I need to protect wood?

Oil provides various benefits for wood including improving the appearance and longevity of the wood. Wood is affected differently by the elements than other outdoor materials such as brick, concrete and plaster, so it’s important to prevent sun, rain and frost from bringing your wood to an untimely end. Oil penetrates the timber and acts similarly to moisturisers helping to supply oils that are lost over time. If we were to leave the wood to age naturally, wood loses essential oils that prevent it from becoming damaged. Exterior oils for wood are essential to the longevity of your wood.

Here’s why it is so important to apply oil to exterior wooden surfaces:

-       Weather: Wood can quickly become weathered when left to the elements due to how porous the material is. Untreated timber has very little resistance to water absorption which eventually seeps in and leads to rot and decay over time.

-       UV degradation: The sun is harsh on wood just as it is on our skin. UV rays can cause wood to grey, discolour and lose flexibility. However, oils with a UV protective finish prevent the UV rays from penetrating and causing damage - just like suncream.

-       Fungal growth: Another enemy of wood is fungus. Exterior wood provides the ideal place for fungus to grow such as lichens and algae which eventually lead to large green patches on the timber. Oil can prevent the growth of fungus on your wood.

-       General wear & tear: While damage from general wear and tear is impossible to prevent completely, wood oil helps keep your wood strong and protect it from scratches and dents, ultimately avoiding wear and tear over the years.

What wood treatments are available?

There are a variety of wood treatments available to protect the wood from weathering, wear and tear and UV damage. Different treatments are suited to different kinds of woods, but it also depends on the kind of look you are hoping to achieve.

Here are some others to consider:

-       Wood paint: If you are hoping to completely change the colour of your wood, wood paint provides a solid, opaque finish that will cover the grain of the wood with a colour of your choice. You can choose between satin, eggshell, gloss and matt finishes.

-       Wood stain: Wood stains also change the colour of the wood slightly but are not completely opaque so enhance the natural grain of the wood while penetrating the surface and providing protection.

-       Wood varnish: Wood varnish creates a barrier on the surface of the wood and does not alter the colour but still seals and protects it.

-       Wood oil: Wood oils penetrate the surface of the wood to nourish and enhance it. It is easy to apply, easy to maintain and becomes part of the wood rather than a coating on the timber. Oil is one of the most popular ways to finish wood thanks to its ability to replenish the natural oils that you find in the wood, it provides added oils to improve its performance.

Different types of Treatex exterior oils

At Treatex, we have a vast range of exterior oils to complement any kind of outdoor timber and give it the protection and enhancement it deserves. Take a look at the different types we offer:

Treatex Exterior Oils

Our Treatex Exterior Oils are perfect for any outdoor wooden surface. It adds the ideal finishing touch to a variety of garden wood such as decking, wooden gates, fence panels, or cladding. It provides a water-repellent formula to prevent water from seeping into the wood and causing damage. The oil penetrates deep into the wood, clinging to the wood capillaries and offers a solid defence against the elements- while also preventing cracks and swelling.

Treatex UV oil

As we know, it’s vital to protect exterior wood from harsh UV rays. When your wood is out all year round, or even throughout the summer season, it will end up looking drab and grey. If you have beautiful wooden garden furniture, it’s important to protect it from the sun as the effects of sun bleaching will ruin the appearance of wood and even cause it to warp. Our Treatex UV Oil is a solid shield against harsh UV rays. We have created this oil using natural refined oils - a reliable formula that is effective at penetrating even the most dense types of timber, to deliver a long-lasting defence.

Treatex Anti-slip Decking Oil

Deckings are a beautiful addition to your garden creating the perfect space to enjoy an extension of your living space. Deckings require a particular type of oil to make them non-slip, an essential feature for a safe deck. Treatex Anti Slip Decking Oil is manufactured using a natural base of sunflower oil and soybean oil - toxic-free substances. This oil reduces the risk of slipping on exterior wooden surfaces which are susceptible to becoming slippery due to the accumulation of moisture, moss, algae and lichens.

How to apply wood oils

If you have chosen the right oil for your exterior timber, here is a guide to the application process. It’s pretty simple, although it is important to ensure your wood oils and ensure the longevity of your timber wood oils and ensure the longevity of your timber.

  1. Remove any dirt, dust or grime from the wood by using a damp cloth.

  2. Sand the wood with 120-grit sandpaper. This helps you to remove any rough edges and create a smooth surface ready for your oils. The oil has a better chance of seeping deeper if the wood is smooth.

  3. Using a tack cloth, wipe away the sanding dust and ensure the surface is once again clean.

  4. Next, use 180-grit sandpaper to sand down the wood again. This helps create a finer surface and prepare it for oiling.

  5. Once again, wipe away any sanding dust with a tack cloth. This can feel tedious, especially when working with large pieces of timber, however, it is a vital step in the process.

  6. Apply the oil onto the wood in a thin, even coat. You can use a clean rag to rub the oil into the timber.

  7. Let the oil dry for 24 hours.

  8. If you think the wood needs an extra coat, apply another.

Additional tips:

-       If the wood is new, you may need to sand it with 220-grit sandpaper before applying the oil.

-       If the wood is old or has been previously oiled, you may need to sand it with a coarser grit (80-100) to remove any old finish.

-       Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area when applying wood oil.

-       Allow the wood to dry completely between coats of oil.

Treatex Ltd - High-Quality Exterior Oils

At Treatex, we offer a wide range of exterior oils to make your wood look beautiful and last longer. From UV protective oils to decking oils, we have everything you need to make your outdoor timber look great. If you need guidance on the right exterior oils for wood to choose, speak to a member of our team, we will be happy to guide you through the process.
