Wooden Floor Care: Do’s And Don'ts You Should Be Aware Of

We understand that wooden flooring can be a beautiful addition to your home, so maintaining it carefully and properly is important. Keep reading to find our guide to properly looking after your wooden floors.

Wooden Floor Protection

Wooden floors have gained popularity, with plenty of people now opting for a laminate style floor. It is a great way to add a timeless look to your property, and increase the value of your home. They are a classic and durable flooring option to choose. Protecting your floors should be a priority, as they can become stained and damaged in a variety of ways. Practising proper cleaning methods and investing in the right floor treatment products will help your floors last longer and keep them looking new.

What Damages Your Wooden Floors?

There are a few ways that your wooden flooring can become severely damaged, so be sure to keep a look out for these problems.

Cracks & Gaps

When your wood begins to dry out, the surface may start splitting and cracking. They may appear large or small, however, no matter their size, they are still a cause for concern. They might affect a single plank, which can be removed and replaced, but they may run across more than one plank, which might be a more serious repair.

SImilarly, spotting gaps in your flooring is also cause for immediate repair. Gaps can come about as your flooring materials shift over time, but it can also be a sign that moisture is causing this movement. It may change the levels of the flooring or damage the foundation, which creates gaps. You should keep in mind that gaps can occur due to seasonal shrinking and expansion.

If you spot either of these signs and you are concerned that it is a problem, getting a professional to assess the damage is a good idea, and they can advise you properly.


Scratches on your wooden flooring can be inconvenient and ruin the look of your panels, so avoiding them should be a must. While they are an annoyance, they are not a detrimental kind of damage.

Hardwood flooring can be refinished, so surface scratches can often be sanded down and your flooring can be rejuvenated with a new finish. But, if your planks are sanded down multiple times, the boards can become too thin, and unusable, leading to a more costly replacement.


Stains are much like scratches, as they only occur at a surface level, but they are also something you should be trying to avoid. Mild stains can often be repaired by another coat of your chosen finish, however, sanding and restaining can also be used for more intense stains.

Replacing your panels may be the best solution in some cases, however, repairs are often the cheaper option. Treatments such as oil solutions can act as a preventative measure, protecting your flooring from these kinds of impairments. A professional will be able to advise you on the best course of action when it comes to staining.


Moisture is a huge threat to your wooden flooring, and wooden panels can buckle, bulge and generally warp in extreme temperatures and wet conditions. Flooding is a good example of this.

If moisture has gotten to your floor, and you are starting to notice warping, it can permanently change the shape of the board, and several pieces may need to be removed and replaced. A professional assessment will help you determine the course of action to take and whether the floors are salvageable.

Cleaning Advice

There are a range of do’s, don’ts, products and treatments that you can use to help you care for your wooden flooring. Our tips are sure to help you take proper care of your flooring.


●     Use furniture pads - Putting pads onto your furniture can minimise the risk of damages like scratching

●     Clean your floor with the appropriate products - Using specific products will help you to keep your floors clean, protected and prevent them from looking worn, such as waxes and oil cleaners.

●     Hoover with a soft-bristle attachment - This is a good measure to take to avoid unnecessary scratching in your home.

●     Use rugs in frequently used areas - In areas such as hallways and doorways, using rugs or mats to wipe your feet can help protect your wooden flooring from scratching and moisture damage.

●     Look out for sun damage - Moisture is a common cause of damage to your wooden flooring, however, the sun can also cause discolouration in our panels. To avoid sun-bleaching, use rugs in the summer to protect these areas of  your floor.


●     Using a steam mop or soapy water - This is a good cleaning method for tile or lino flooring, and the moisture can be fatal to your wooden floors

●     Leave your stains untreated - Accidental spillages should be cleared up as soon as possible so that they don't worsen or create permanent damage.

●     Use watery cleaning solutions - Much like using a steam mop or soapy water to clean your floors, improper cleaning solutions that are mostly water will cause severe damage to your floors over time.

●     Drag furniture across your floor - Dragging heavy items across your wooden flooring is what will create scratches on the surfaces, so be sure to lift your furniture fully off the ground when you are moving it around.

●     Install wooden flooring in moisture prone rooms - Bathrooms and kitchen aren’t the best place for wooden flooring, as these rooms will have the most steam and moisture, which is a threat to your floors.

What Products Should I Be Using?

Avoiding watery products is a key thing to remember, so, what cleaning products can you use? There are several products that you can use to not only clean, but to rejuvenate the appearance of your flooring.

Hardwax Oil

Our hardwax oil is a great treatment for any interior wood you have. Hardwax oil is a hard wearing, beautiful finish for timber surfaces like doors, floors and furniture. Combined with maintenance products, this is a great way to provide care and protection for your wooden items.

Wax Polish

Wax polish is a clear polish that will help to refresh your wooden surfaces and enhance the natural beauty of your floors. Our wax polish creates a durable and water repellent finish, leaving your floors more protected from moisture.

Surface Cleaners

A proper surface cleaner, that is not water based, is a brilliant way to clean your wooden flooring without causing moisture damage. Our surface cleaner is already diluted, and ready to go. You can use a mop to buff or a pad to ensure you cover all areas of your floor.

You can also use our floor care treatments to breathe some life  back into your flooring panels. This product is a combination of vegetable oils and carnauba wax, providing a fresh look and a layer of added protection to your floor.

Repair Advice

If you suspect that your floors are severely damaged, or there is a problem occuring, leaving it too late may end up bringing you a costly repair fee. Identifying issues with your floor early will help you to figure out what is the best approach to fix the issue.

Contacting a professional to come and assess your floor is a safe and reliable way to work out what the problem might be too. They will have the knowledge to identify the cause of the problem and help you to resolve the issue.

Treatex Ltd

At Treatex, we value wood like no other company. We understand that an investment like wooden flooring is something you want to keep looking brand new. Our range of products are specially designed to enhance the natural beauty of your wood, and they hold practical purposes too. Protecting your wood from damage is also one of our commitments.

For any further enquiries about our products and services, feel free to get in touch with us to find out more. Our team will be happy to answer your questions and give you the best advice regarding your flooring.
