Wood in Your Home That Can Benefit From Timber Treatment

Wood in Your Home That Can Benefit From Timber Treatment

Wood is a timeless material that can be used for a variety of home styles - whether traditional or contemporary and is often used outdoors and indoors. It can be used for furniture, floorboards, exterior decking, tables and chairs and even doors. Wherever you have wood, inside or outside your home, it’s vital you treat it properly in order to ensure it lasts for a long time.

Here’s what you need to know about timber treatment for your home.

What is timber treatment?

If wood is not treated and it gets wet, it will rot. If it has a moisture content below 20% then it shouldn’t rot. However, if you have wood that is outside, it’s almost impossible to keep dry - which is why it needs to be treated. Certain species of timber require a timber treatment, which is different to decorative or protective coatings. You can use these along with timber treatment and what you want your timber to look like will impact which products you use.

Depending on what type of timber you have and where it is, will depend on what products you use. Some hardwood timber is naturally durable and resistant to decay, so it’s a good idea to learn what kinds of treatments you need for the type of timber you have. Indoor timber will benefit from a hardwax oil that provides a great finish and perfectly preserves the natural beauty of your timber.

What treatments should I use?

You may be wondering what the best treatment is for your timber, here are the different types available and which ones are best suited for different kinds of wood.

Indoor timber

If you have timber inside your home such as timber floorboards, doors, furniture or worktops, treatments can help keep their colour looking great and protect them from any minor damage such as spills or chips.

-       Flooring - For flooring, Hardwax Oil Ultra (Natural) is a perfect choice to keep the natural beauty of your flooring and make sure it is durable. This oil is easy to apply, quick drying and has a low odour, so perfect for regularly maintaining your flooring.

-       Furniture - For furniture, you’ll need something that dries to leave a water-resistant film-free coating that will not scratch or chip. The Treatex Hardwax Oil Ultra (Clear) is a good option as it enhances the natural colour of your wooden furniture without covering it. The Hardwax Oil Ultra is a great timber treatment which is easy to use and provides a durable finish. It is a quick-drying and easy-to-use formula, helping you protect the furniture for a long period of time.

-       Worktops - For things such as worktops, shelves and other areas that might face a lot of wear, you’ll need a robust oil that can withstand a lot of activity. You may want to use the Treatex Hardwax Oil Ultra (Natural) as well as the Treatex Colour Tones (Ultra). These will penetrate deep into the wood, to not only protect it but also enhance the natural colour.

-       Doors - For your wooden doors, you may opt for a treatment that will protect the wood and avoid cracking or peeling over time, such as the Treatex Hardwax Oil Ultra (Clear) and then finish it with Treatex Colour Tones (Ultra).

Outdoor timber

If you have any timber outside, it’s even more important to treat. This is because it is exposed to all kinds of weather conditions that can lead to rot or damage. Whether you have fencing, a shed or wooden garden furniture, it’s best to ensure that it’s protected so that it lasts much longer

-       Timber fencing - You may choose a particular colour to paint your fencing, but you will also need to protect it with a quality exterior oil such as Treatex Exterior Oils. It will penetrate deeply into the wood, attaching to the wood capillaries and providing protection against the elements.

-       Decking - This requires a quality oil such as Treatex Exterior Oils, as it not only faces the harsh elements but also experiences a lot of footfall throughout the year that can wear down the wood. You may also want to give your decking a little extra protection against the sun with Treatex UV Oil, this offers a guard against sun bleaching and can help your decking maintain its beautiful colour. It penetrates deeply into the wood and provides a shield against extreme sunshine.

-       Garden furniture - If you leave garden furniture out all year round, or even during the summer, you’ll also need to give them a treatment to help ensure they stay sturdy and durable. The last thing you want to do is sit down for your first BBQ of the year only for your chair to break underneath you from rot. Treatex Teak Protection provides protection from damaging UV rays and provides waterproofing. It’s ideal for garden furniture but you can also use it on boat decks!

Why is timber treatment so important?

While you may buy certain pieces of timber that are already painted with a varnish or finish, they aren’t always protected properly from harsh weather or constant use. Even if they are, you’ll still need to maintain them every year or so to ensure they maintain their great colour. Outdoor timber will require a lot more attention than indoor timber, but it’s still best to treat it as and when it is needed.

Extends the lifespan of your timber

When you invest in pieces of furniture, flooring, decking or even fencing, you want that timber to last as long as possible in good condition. There’s no point putting a lot of money into something if you aren’t going to maintain it. That’s why it’s important to properly treat your timber. Oils and finishes that are weather resistant and provide a UV protective finish are going to help your wood keep its colour and ensure the longevity of the timber. This way you’ll save money because you won’t have to replace the wood in a few years' time.

Offers wood enhancement

Not only does it protect the wood from harsh elements or heavy activity, but it also improves the look of the wood. If you have an old piece of furniture, you can simply sand it down and add a beautiful colour finish to completely renew the wood and bring it back to life. This is much cheaper than replacing it and helps you bring something that is looking dull and drab and enhancing the colour to something beautiful.

Helps you avoid dry rot or wet rot

No matter where your wood is located, it could still be prone to rot. This can be caused by prolonged exposure to water, water damage or dampness in your home. Often rot is hidden and you don’t know there is an issue until it is too late. Rather than risking dealing with rot, prevent it with the right timber treatment such as water-based wood paint.

Treatex: Water-based Wood Paint and Much More

Are you looking for the perfect treatment for wood in your home? Whether you need UV oils, Cedar Oil, UV Protective Finish or wood cleaners, we have it all at Treatex. We use natural, non-toxic materials to ensure your timber is protected in the best way possible. We specialise in high-quality wood finish products that both protect and enhance your beautiful wood products - bringing out their natural beauty. With a wide range of products available, take a look and find the product that is right for you. Whether you are painting your decking or staining your dining room table - we have the right Treatex product for you. Get in touch with our team if you would like to learn more about our timber treatment products. A member of our team will be happy to assist you.
